February 1, 2024
Thank you for all our school counselor does at JCCE to help our students succeed. We appreciate you, Mrs. Chappell.

February 1, 2024
Now enrolling K4 and K5 Students for the 2024-2025 school year! Please see the attached image for more details.

December 8, 2023
Come join us at JCCE on Tuesday, Dec. 12th for a Christmas Musical by our students.

October 12, 2023
There will be a student holiday on Friday, October 13, 2023. This will be report card pickup day.

October 12, 2023
John C. Calhoun will have a yearbook this year. Please contact Mrs. Holley for information.
September 19, 2023
Attention to JCCE 2nd Grade Parents: All 2nd grade students will be participating in the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) and the Iowa Assessments. Dates for testing will be Oc...

September 6, 2023
Title I Open House Night at JCCE will be Tuesday, September 7th at 6:00 PM. All parents and guardians are encouraged to attend. We will meet first in the gym and then parents an...

September 6, 2023
All grandparents are invited to come eat breakfast with their grandchild at JCCE. All K4, K5, and 1st Grade Grandparents are invited for Thursday Sept. 7th breakfast. All 2nd, 3...

July 26, 2023
Monday, July 31st is meet the teacher and supply drop off at John C. Calhoun Elementary. You are invited to come by from 1:00 - 3:00 pm. See you then!

July 26, 2023
K4 does not have a supply list for the school year 2023-24.

May 3, 2023
JCCE will be testing students grades 3-5 during the weeks of May 8th - May 19th. Make sure your child gets a great night sleep, eats a good breakfast, comes to school on time, an...

March 13, 2023
In 2022, the South Carolina General Assembly unanimously passed S.1103, otherwise known as the South Carolina Child ID law. As a result, Abbeville County School District has been ...

February 16, 2023
We will have our intercession week from Feb. 21-24. Students will not attend school during this time. Some students have been invited to the intercession program based on academ...

February 9, 2023
Parents, please take note of the 2023-2024 K4/K5 Registration Information attached. If you have any questions, please contact Dione Ashley at dmashley@acsdsc.org.
K4/K5 Regist...

February 8, 2023
JCCE Family: We would like say thank you to our wonderful school counselor, Alvon Cade. She goes above and beyond to help our students at school. She encourages them through cl...