March 11, 2021
4K pre-screening packets are ready! Pick up a packet at one of the following schools :
Long Cane Primary John C Calhoun Cherokee Trail Elem Diamond Hill Elem.
Completed Pac...

March 10, 2021
Our next ACSD eLearn Day is set for April 1. Please see the attached image for more detailed information. #puttingstudentsfirst #ACSD

February 11, 2021
Please use this link to order lunch for your child on our eLearning Day, Feb. 22nd - Meal Order Form for E-Learning Day
Or you can scan the image below to place your order for...

February 2, 2021
February 22nd is our next eLearning Day! Please see the link below for more information on what is needed to have another successful eLearning experience. #puttingstudentsfirst ...

December 11, 2020
ACSD Parents, if your child is scheduled to attend the iTECH Academy during the spring semester (beginning January 6th), please review the iTECH Handbook and Contract below. A c...

September 15, 2020
Parents, please take a moment to read through the most recent updates in regards to iTECH Academy by clicking on the following link .

August 14, 2020
iTECH students can order meals from their zoned school. All orders must be submitted by 8:00am the morning of meal pickup. Curbside meal pickup is 10:00 - 11:00 daily for all scho...

August 10, 2020
ACSD would like to announce the Teachers of the Year from each school. We are proud of their accomplishments and excited to start a new school with this group of all-star teacher...

July 30, 2020
Abbeville County School District’s Reopening Plan has been approved by the S.C. Dept. of Education. The plan allows for Face-to-Face instruction, 5 days a week or parents can cho...

July 29, 2020
ACSD Parents, a short video with more information about iTECH Academy is available here. Parents of students who have signed-up for iTECH or those still undecided may find the inf...

July 27, 2020
Parents, please take a moment to look over the Safety Precautions we have in place for COVID-19 at our schools. The information is linked below. ACSD COVID-19 Safety Precautions...

July 17, 2020
ACSD announced its plans for re-opening schools at the special called Board of Trustees meeting on Thursday, July 16th. We are excited to give parents and students a choice betwe...

July 10, 2020
Parents, please remember to complete the iTECH Academy Intent Form if you are interested in your child attending ACSD's Online Academy. The Intent Form will help us in planning o...

July 10, 2020
Attention Parents! ACSD online registration for returning students will be opened July 16-July 31. The online registration is for returning students who will be enrolled as a s...